It is a joy to share these delightful pictures of children reading a new book and being transported to places and times beyond their village. They read about new and old heroes, they discover inventors, explore different cultures and lands, and learn new languages! Imagination is fostered when they consider the law of gravity and other scientific principals. Reading Bible stories tells them about a God who has created them and loves them, and opens the door to a personal faith. The books found in the new Susu Community Library and those that are distributed through the mobile library in both Zambia and Malawi, have provided access to a world of information and learning that was previously unavailable. In both Malawi and Zambia, adults with a desire to learn are enrolled in ELI adult literacy classes. This month, you will read the story of one woman determined to look through those library windows and change her world through literacy, not only for herself but also for the benefit of her family and her community. This is Good News indeed.
"Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and they contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better."
- Sidney Sheldon
"I can write my name"

Grace is a 35 year old mother of five children (ages 1-15) and an enthusiatic student. Though she has never attended school she is now enrolled in the newly established Chimutu adult literacy class. Over this last year, Grace and other parents have seen a marked improvement in their children's education because of the books and educational opportunties available through the mobile library. They were prompted to ask for literacy classes for themselves, so they too can share the benefits of being able to read and write. For the first time in her life, Grace can write her name. There is great dignity in knowing that a written word represents a unique individual with hopes and dreams and a story to tell. Grace is excited to learn so she can assist her children with their schoolwork, and read for herself, the Bible that was given by EL Malawi to her husband, an elder in their church.
Thank you Harriet L., the EL Malawi Chimutu literacy teacher for your tireless devotion to open new windows into the world for these committed students.

A grateful thank you to all the Christmas shoppers who purchased new books for our next book box shipment to Susu Community Library and the Malawi Mobile Library. The number of readers in both location continues to grow and books and educational resources are always needed. Several Good News readers were touched by Mr. Benson's request for more copies of Oliver Twist to share in his village through his satellite homestead library! In addition to the brand new books, ELI volunteers sort gently used book donations and pack with school supplies in preparation for the Amazon shipping pick up. The books are sent with love and prayers as we think about these boxes traveling 10,000 miles into the hands of an eager reader. There are twenty five boxes ready to ship and sponsors are needed. Please consider a gift of $50 to send one box or $100 to send two boxes on their way to open up more windows into a great big world that’s just waiting to be explored!


The goat herd welcomed nine new baby goats in the month of January and more "kids" are expected in February. Please pray that construction of the new goat barn is completed soon. Another grateful thank you to our goat barn sponsors.

Early this year, an ELI supporter funded the purchase of an additional forty hectares (almost 99 acres) to accomodate the growing goat herd and to expand the growing fields of Sweet Susu Produce. The land is very fertile, but land in the African bush requires clearing and plowing, which required hours of maual labor with assistance from an oxen team. Planting has to be done at the beginning of the rainy season so the crops will be sufficiently irrigated. The Susu farmers worked hard and they successfully planted a huge corn field and a smaller sunflower plot - just in time. In just a few months, Susu's new truck will transport these crops to far away markets. Now this income generating project has the potential to expand and provide more support for the community library. With the Sweet Susu farm growing, the time has come for Susu to own a tractor and plow to clear and plant the new acreage. A California church and a few US farmers have learned about this critical project, and have already contributed almost half of the cost needed to purchase these vital farm tools. Only $8,500 remains to fully fund the purchase of a new tractor and plow for Susu. Your designated gift of any amount will be greatly appreciated. We look forward to sharing with you the pictures and stories of the “plenty” that will be harvested in the days ahead.

What a joy it is to begin the new year with expectation and hope in both our Malawi and Zambia libraries; that faith will be ignited through Bible distribution, that literacy and learning will develop hearts and minds to reach higher goals. We also expect the Susu Library model, (which has far reaching potential through the farm, main library building and the mobile library that serves 9,000 students in other villages) to continue as a beacon of light in the African bush. Thank you for your financial and prayer support; you make all this possible, and we give God the glory.