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Good News March & April 2024

Writer's picture: Elizabeth's LibraryElizabeth's Library

ELI is very grateful for the many good things happening in our midst. After a few very challenging months for our projects in both Malawi and Zambia, we are counting our blessings and very excited to share a few of the amazing stories you supported with your prayers and financial gifts. ELI is also blessed by the faithful perseverance of our African leadership; they have hearts for the Lord and for their communities. When times got tough they didn’t give up but rather kept their eyes on the Lord and believed that He was faithful. Thank you.

Psalm 103:2

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and\

forget not all His benefits.



Susu Farm

The January/February edition of Good News shared that with the new borehole, there was an abundance of water to irrigate the 7,500 banana, 150 orange and 60 lemon trees, now saved from drought. This was very encouraging news after the devastating loss of the maize and bean fields. Drip irrigation was installed and the Susu farmers decided to also plant watermelons near the trees. They were working hard to clear the tallest anthill to place a water storage tank on top, when ELI received good news. A South Dakota farmer had read this story and he knew a large capacity water storage tank and support structure would be needed to sufficiently irrigate these crops. His generous gift funded a 10,000 liter water tank and a concrete stand, which is almost completed! Now knowing that there will be sufficient water and pressure, the farmers planted the next field with cabbage just in time for a little rainstorm that came to water the land. The seeds have germinated and the new borehole will provide needed water for the 11,000 cabbage plants! Blessings indeed for a community that faced drought and food insecurity.

Susu Community Library

Joseph is the new librarian at Susu. He has been busy orienting to this position, but also introducing several new programs. Every Friday, there is story and activity time for the younger readers. The children love being creative and origami was a big hit. It was new to Joseph also, but he studied a book sent to the library and practiced until he could teach the children.

Joseph also has a background in IT, so he is introducing Susu school children to the world of computers. The students had no previous hands on experience, they had only seen pictures in a book. Computer technology is a necessary skill for today and is being introduced to eager minds. With thanks to another generous donor, Susu Community Library now has Starlink! At this time, there is only one old office computer at the library, but one day, there will be a computer lab available to the students.

Mr. Benson's Farm Library

There was great joy and excitement at Mr. Benson's Farm Library when the new folding table and chairs arrived. The children were delighted to sit at the table and participate in games, color pictures and complete puzzles - all new learning activities for them. The table & chairs will also be used by the adult literacy class; but there wasn’t enough room to accommodate all twenty students, so they took turns, enjoying this wonderful opportunity. Basic literacy supplies such as tables & chairs, chalk boards, paper and pencils are always in need and a wonderful way to bless the many waiting to learn.

Two of the literacy students have basic tailoring and sewing skills; they make handmade items for sale locally. The women had been praying for a sewing machine to make school uniforms; the profits would provide a small income to support their families. They were astonished, and filled with gratitude when ELI surprised them with a good, (but used) treadle machine. The cost to purchase sewing supplies to get them started is $125.

Mr. Benson and most of his adult students are hard working farmers. With the tremendous success of the banana plantation at Susu library; Mr Benson wondered if his farm might be allowed some banana trees as an income generating project for the farm library? You can imagine his surprise and how blessed he was when one hundred Susu banana trees were planted at Mr. Benson's Farm. Our friends look for opportunities to bless and help one another for the betterment of their communities.

Grandmothers are known for their time, patience and love they have for children. They are willing to share a story, play a game or bless a child with hand made gifts. The special women in our African communities are offering stories and pre-school activities that will help the village children prepare for school.

ELI founder and Director Lana Lynn was blessed to have some local grandmothers bring Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls to her home to be personally delivered to our grandmothers serving ELI in Africa. What a blessing for all these grandmothers working together to make a difference in the lives of these little ones in Zambia & Malawi.



Malawi Mobile Library Day

Twice a month the EL Malawi team travel to the three villages where hundreds of eager children are waiting for new stories and engaging educational activities. The rural roads are a challenge and sometimes more than others, but our teams are determined to make the journey.

Recently, the team encountered the washed out bridge on the road leading to Dima village. They didn't want to disappoint the children, so they tried very hard to repair the bridge. Despite their very best efforts, they decided that perhaps it would be prudent to find another way. They were late, but the children sure enjoyed the new art projects.

EL team member Bethel is a qualified pre-school teacher and meets regularly with Grandmother Alefa to improve skills learned many years ago. The children love their new village grandmother.

Dorothy Update

Thanks to an ELI supporter with a heart for hungry children, Dorothy's family has received sufficient food support for the last six months. Thanks to adequate nutrition, Dorothy is thriving and even her physical appearance has changed remarkably. The teachers at the School for the Deaf have commented on her increased energy and ability to engage in the school activities. If Dorothy "learns" that she is not going to school for some reason, she displays a very disappointed face.

It is our prayer that Dorothy's education will continue for many years, and she will become an educated young woman able to function well in society. Will you prayerfully consider a gift of $125 to fund a week of school for Dorothy?

ELI is so excited to report that 78 Boxes of Blessings have started their 10,000 mile journey to our projects in Zambia and Malawi. Thanks to a church adopting the purchase of children's Bibles as a Christmas gift, other groups and individuals were inspired to also donate. This shipment includes almost 100 beautiful Bibles for all ages. 

Other individuals and service groups brought quality reading books, games, puzzles, school supplies, clothes and shoes. Classes at a Christian school chose a theme and filled a box with more books, games and stuffed animals to better illustrate their theme. There were many sorting and packing parties and the boxes were covered with love and prayers. It was truly a joy to think about all these blessings being enjoyed by many.


This summer my husband Larry and I will have the honor of leading an incredible team of committed Christians to serve alongside our African staff and bless the people and communities. We will introduce these friends in the next newsletter, but just a few of the programs will include, introduction to Child Evangelism Fellowship, a teachers workshop focusing on teaching reading skills, and a women's ministry forum for the literacy students. Rural pastors will also gather for a class in the Inductive Bible Study method.

Kenneth and Jacob know of my passion for literacy, at all ages and how I especially enjoy reading books to children, so they are planning activities for me. I've heard rumors about a strategically placed rocking chair on the Susu Library porch or on top of an anthill! Perhaps Grandmothers Elizabeth and Alefa will allow me to introduce Raggedy Anne and Andy to the children they love so much. 

The team has met Jacob and Kenneth via Zoom, but to meet them personally and visit the projects they manage, that will be an experience never forgotten. Several hours of driving on African roads is also a never to be forgotten experience! They will visit Mr. Benson's Farm Library, the Brunelli Literacy Ladies sewing project, grandmother Elizabeth, grandmother Alefa, Dorothy's home and school and Mr. Littleton's classes under the big tree. They will be so encouraged as they see the lives impacted by your prayers and financial support.


This month, will you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner of Elizabeth's Library? There are more village children needing Bibles and quality reading books, more village grandmothers ready to bless the children, more farmers ready to equip their communities, more children with deafness needing an education. So many opportunities to bless others.

Perhaps one day, you'll travel with us to see your prayer and financial investment. You'll be welcome and you'll probably enjoy a fresh banana, orange or watermelon with your African meal.

Blessings to you.

Lana Lynn

ELI Director

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