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Good News in May 2021

Writer's picture: Elizabeth's LibraryElizabeth's Library

The good news ELI shares each month reveals the fruit of what began as small investments; people caring and sharing to see how God might fashion and multiply those resources in His work. Elizabeth's Library as an organization is only eight years old, and has already impacted thousands of lives with increased literacy and educational opportunities, access to community libraries, sustainable farming projects, new wells and the hope of the gospel. Although the work in Malawi is in its infancy (only six months old), it is evident that tremendous change in lives and communities has been noted. Thank you for your continued investments of prayer and financial support; you are partners of this good news and the sweet fruit being produced.



Springtime gardens bring abundant summer produce to enjoy. This year, Susu farmers also planted a beautiful sunflower crop, adding another market commodity to their income generating crops of sweet watermelons, oranges, bananas, cabbages and corn. The abundant harvests of this produce help support the community of Susu, and provides vital income to support the newly built library, the mobile library serving eighteen different schools, and three adult literacy programs.

Susu village must hire a truck to take these crops to markets, and almost half of the profits is used to pay for transport. The Drive Sweet Susu Produce to Market campaign is well on its way to raising the funds to purchase a reliable delivery truck. Thanks to generous donors, only $8,000 is needed to meet this goal! Your gift will help Susu own their own transportation. Also, the truck will be available for other local farmers to rent - another way to support the library and its programs!

Let’s Drive Sweet Susu Produce to Market!


Malawi, Bridging the Gap

There is a long dirt road connecting the capital city of Lilongwe to Mphonde village, (which in many ways represents the end of the road). Like many rural and remote African villages, subsistence farming is the main occupation, leaving little income for the community to develop their schools and other needed infrastructure. The far distance from Lilongwe doesn't generate much interest from the outside world, or bring access to quality books and educational resources that parents and educators long to have. The new Malawi Mobile Library program bridges the gap and brings the hope of educational opportunities where there are none. On library day, Mphonde villagers young and old gather with anticipation and excitement to await the arrival of the EL team from Lilongwe.

Within a couple of months of the program start, Mr. Limeton a village farmer, and the Mphonde book monitor, provided oversight for the book check out system and also began using ELI resources to begin activity classes for all ages. Many of the village children are unable to attend school, so Mr. Limeton gives instruction in basic education, (learning the alphabet and simple math) as well as holding story time. Children who have some school education are grateful for the opportunity to read so many interesting books. The plea for ELI to start adult literacy classes continues, and that remains an important goal for this village and the others we serve. A literate population is vital for community development and a very important pathway for an individual to reach his God given potential. Remember the saying, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"? We agree, so thank you for helping us bridge the gap by contributing to the education of future teachers, engineers, doctors, artists, and entrepreneurs; Sweet fruit indeed.


The Heart of ELI

little girl sits on the ground in rural Malawi, thousands of miles away from you and I and from any bear to speak of, yet she mouths the words, “brown bear, brown bear what do you see?” She enters into the world of children’s literature where brown bears see red birds, where very hungry caterpillars eat through dozens of foods, and where imaginations are set into flight. Not long ago, this little girl had almost no access to books and thus only a scant chance at literacy. Now this child and nearly 9,000 other children regularly select and borrow books that arrive through Elizabeth’s Library’s mobile library program. Children, their families, and entire villages know when the books are going to arrive and they gather around, eagerly waiting. Women have formed literacy groups, schools have pleaded for mobile library visits, elders have trekked to the library itself to read biographies, bibles, philosophy, and how-to books. Where once their world was limited to the length and breadth of a few kilometers, through reading they can now travel to the hushed land of Narnia, to the science of the stars, and to the mount where Jesus gave his famous sermon. Together, children can chant those famous words, “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?”


Libraries, literacy and educational opportunities are possible in far away and remote villages because of your prayers and financial generosity. ELI is grateful for your gifts that touch the lives of thousands of adults and children. Please consider becoming a monthly donor or sending a gift of any amount. Please designate if your gift supports the Drive Sweet Susu Produce to Market campaign. May the Lord bless you abundantly.

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